Still Here, but Differently

Hey Yogi Friends,

It’s been a minute.  And in that minute my life has changed so much that sometimes I don’t even recognize myself.  I sold Vira Bhava Yoga to the wonderful, inspiring, and visionary, Leanne Horvath at the end of December, and have been overjoyed with the transition and fresh approach that Leanne is bringing to the company!  Lot’s of people ask me if I miss it, and the honest answer is no.  I am still living in and by the principles and values that Vira Bhava Yoga was built on and continues to cultivate.  I am still deeply connected to my practices, though that has changed and altered alongside my life path, and I am still inspired to share and serve what I have learned and continue to learn.  I am loving connecting with Leanne, and staying engaged with VBY from the sidelines, and I just became an VBY Ambassador!!

What does this big life transformation look like?  Well, I have been pursuing a graduate degree in Conflict Management and Resolution (the closest thing I could find to Yogic principles in the “real” (i.e. non-Yoga) world, and have 3 semesters left before I graduate.  My hope is to weave together the deep internal philosophies of Tantra and Yoga with the real and measurable external world struggle to turn our spaces of friction and dissonance into opportunities to grow, learn, and love more deeply. Also, I am now the Community Development Coordinator at an Asheville based nonprofit called Thrive, which does Collective Impact work as well as direct service programs in the affordable housing space. Lastly, I am doing work as  Yoga Therapist in a private practice, which has been a deeply fulfilling and impactful way to translate these esoteric tools into real support for people in need.

So, in case you were wondering, that’s what I’ve been up to.  The big news to share with YOU is that I received official news from the publisher that the book will be hitting the cyber shelves on APRIL 6th!!  It feels hard to believe! I am excited to share this labor of love with you.  The idea of the book came to me in a meditation the November before COVID, then the entire outline descended the following March in the first weeks of COVID.  I spend all of 2020 writing and walking in the woods and wondering what would become of the world as we knew it.  I was fortunate to have a small publisher interested in the book even before it was written, and now after my own trials and challenges, my own circuitous path of resilience, it’s finally here!  And, I want to share it with you.  So, for the first offering of the Yoga of Resilience book and practice club, I want to do it LIVE with you!  Let’s explore the chapters and practices together, let’s talk about what Resilience really means in our individual lives, and how Yoga supports our experience of it, let’s sit in a circle . 

So, I’m still here, but differently.  I am still practicing, still sharing, still learning.  I’m still falling down, getting humbled, finding moments of inspiration.  I’m still growing.  Not growing up, but growing in.  Into myself, into my dharma, into my relationship with the world and with you.  If you feel inspired to journey through the next chapter with me, join me in April.  And, keep tuning into the Yoga of Resilience podcast, and check out our monthly FREE Yoga of Resilience series in collaboration with Vira Bhava Yoga, which will begin again soon!

Many blessings,



Navratri 2023


Yoga & Resilience Beyond Self-Improvement